Russian Twists

Russian Twists are a core exercise that targets the obliques, helping to strengthen the rotational movement of the torso. This exercise is often performed without equipment but can be modified to include weights or other resistance.
Russian Twists
fit30 exercise "how-to"

How do I do Russian Twists?

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight, to engage the core.
  2. Clasp your hands together in front of you, or hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands.
  3. Lift your feet slightly off the ground and begin to twist your torso to one side, bringing your clasped hands or the weight toward the floor beside you.
  4. Return to the center and then twist to the opposite side. This completes one repetition.
  5. Perform the exercise with controlled, deliberate movements, engaging the core throughout.
fit30 exercise tips

What are some tips for Russian Twists?

  1. Keep your back straight and avoid rounding or hunching over during the twisting motion.
  2. Focus on engaging your core muscles throughout the movement. This includes the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis.
  3. Initiate the twist from the waist, allowing your upper body to rotate while keeping your hips relatively stable.
  4. Perform the exercise at a controlled pace to maximize engagement and avoid momentum.
  5. If lifting your feet off the ground feels challenging, you can keep them on the floor for added stability.
fit30 exercise modifications

How do I modify Russian Twists?


  • Start with bodyweight twists before adding resistance. This allows you to focus on proper form and control.
  • If you're a beginner or have lower back concerns, reduce the range of motion by not twisting as far to each side.
  • Perform the exercise with your feet on the ground for added stability, especially if lifting your feet feels challenging.


  • Increase the intensity by holding a medicine ball or weight, but start with a light resistance and gradually progress.

What are the benefits of Russian Twists?


Core Strength

Improved Coordination

Workouts with Russian Twists

A dumbbell30 workout

You're Flourishing

Complete 8 Rounds In 28:20
  • Russian Twists (00:15)
  • Pulse Ups (00:20)
  • Bicycle Crunches (00:15)
  • Glute Bridges (00:20)
  • Rest (00:10)
  • Dumbbell Thrusters (00:20)
  • Bicep Curls (00:20)
  • Tricep Extensions (00:20)
  • Dumbbell Front Raises (00:20)
  • Rest (1:00)
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A jump30 workout


Complete 4 Rounds In 26:20
  • Freestyle Jump (0:15)
  • Rest (0:10)
  • Scissor Jump (0:15)
  • Alternate Foot Jump (0:15)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Side-to-Side Shuffle (0:15)
  • Bodyweight Squats (0:15)
  • Narrow-to-Wide Squats (0:15)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Russian Twists (0:10)
  • Mountain Climbers (0:15)
  • Rest (0:15)
  • Russian Twists (0:10)
  • Cross Mountain Climbers (0:15)
  • Rest (0:15)
  • Freestyle Jump (0:15)
  • Scissor Jump (0:15)
  • Alternate Foot Jump (0:15)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Freestyle Jump (0:15)
  • Basic Jump (0:15)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Squat Thrusts (0:15)
  • Rest (1:00)
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