Dumbbell Leg Loop

The Dumbbell Leg Loop exercise is a dynamic movement that involves passing a dumbbell between your legs in a figure-eight pattern. It engages multiple muscle groups, including the core, legs, and shoulders.
Dumbbell Leg Loop
fit30 exercise "how-to"

How do I do a Dumbbell Leg Loop?

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of your body.
  2. Pass the dumbbell through your legs, moving from front to back.
  3. As the dumbbell reaches the back, rotate your torso slightly to one side and lift the dumbbell up and around the outside of your leg.
  4. Bring the dumbbell to the front and pass it through your legs again, this time moving from back to front.
  5. As the dumbbell reaches the front, rotate your torso to the opposite side and lift the dumbbell up and around the outside of your other leg.
  6. Continue this figure-eight motion, alternating the direction of rotation and the side from which you lift the dumbbell.
fit30 exercise tips

What are some tips for a Dumbbell Leg Loop?

  1. Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise to provide stability and protect your lower back.
  2. Perform the figure-eight motion with controlled movements, avoiding jerky or fast motions.
  3. Find a steady pace that allows you to maintain proper form and control the dumbbell.
  4. As you pass the dumbbell through your legs, bend slightly at the hips and knees to create space for the movement.
  5. Maintain a straight back and avoid rounding or arching your spine during the exercise.
fit30 exercise modifications

How do I modify a Dumbbell Leg Loop?


  • If you're new to the exercise or focusing on coordination, start with a lighter dumbbell and gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable.
  • Perform the exercise at a slower pace until you become accustomed to the figure-eight motion.

What are the benefits of a Dumbbell Leg Loop?

Full-Body Strength



Workouts with Dumbbell Leg Loop

A dumbbell30 workout

You're Swell

Complete 7 Rounds In 27:00
  • Dumbbell Swings (0:30)
  • Dumbbell Punches (0:20)
  • Rest (0:10)
  • Lunge Front Raises (0:30)
  • Lunge Rotations (0:20)
  • Rest (0:10)
  • Dumbbell Pullovers (0:30)
  • Lying Tricep Extensions (0:20)
  • Dumbbell Leg Loop (0:10)
  • Rest (1:00)
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