Figure 8 Squats

Figure 8 Squats are a dynamic lower-body exercise that combines the traditional squat motion with a figure-eight movement pattern.
Figure 8 Squats
fit30 exercise "how-to"

How do I do Figure 8 Squats?

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell with your right hand.
  2. Initiate the squat by pushing your hips back and bending your knees, lowering your body into a squat position.
  3. As you reach the bottom of your squat, pass the weight between your legs to your left hand in a figure-eight motion.
  4. Return to the starting position with the weight still in your left hand.
  5. Continue the figure-eight motion with the weight as you perform a series of squats, passing the dumbbell between your legs with each squat.
fit30 exercise tips

What are some tips for Figure 8 Squats?

  1. Perform the figure-eight motion in a controlled and deliberate manner to maximize the engagement of core and leg muscles.
  2. Maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise, avoiding excessive arching or rounding of the back.
  3. Coordinate your breath with the movement. Inhale as you descend into the squat, and exhale as you pass the weight in the figure-eight motion and rise.
  4. Choose a weight that challenges you without compromising your form. It should be manageable for the figure-eight motion.
  5. Keep your chest up, back straight, and knees in line with your toes throughout the movement.
  6. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your spine and control the figure-eight motion.
fit30 exercise modifications

How do I modify Figure 8 Squats?


  • If using a weight is too challenging initially, start with bodyweight squats to focus on the squatting motion.
  • Begin with a lighter weight to master the figure-eight motion before progressing to heavier weights.
  • If a full squat is challenging, reduce the range of motion and depth of the squat until strength improves.
  • Practice the figure-eight motion without holding a weight to improve coordination before adding resistance.

What are the benefits of Figure 8 Squats?

Leg Strength

Core Strength


Workouts with Figure 8 Squats

A dumbbell30 workout

Oh Lordy!

Complete 7 Rounds In 27:00
  • Figure 8 Squats (00:20)
  • Dumbbell Thrusters (00:10)
  • Bicep Curls (00:30)
  • Rest (00:20)
  • Dumbbell Thrusters (00:10)
  • Tricep Extensions (00:30)
  • Rest (00:20)
  • Dumbbell Thrusters (00:10)
  • Tricep Kickbacks (00:30)
  • Rest (1:00)
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