Wide Push-Ups

Wide Push-Ups, also known as Wide Grip Push-Ups, are a variation of the classic push up that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. The wider hand placement places more emphasis on the outer chest muscles.
Wide Push-Ups
fit30 exercise "how-to"

How do I do Wide Push Ups?

  1. Begin in a plank position with your hands placed wider than shoulder-width apart. Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, fingers pointing forward or slightly turned outward.
  3. Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows. Keep your elbows pointed outward at a 45-degree angle from your body.
  4. Lower your chest as close to the ground as your strength allows. Ensure a controlled descent.
  5. Push through your palms to return to the starting position, fully extending your arms.
  6. Perform the exercise for the desired number of repetitions or time.
fit30 exercise tips

What are some tips for Wide Push-Ups?

  1. Keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement, avoiding sagging hips or raised buttocks.
  2. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body during the push up.
  3. Perform the push up in a controlled manner, focusing on both the descent and ascent.
  4. Aim for a full range of motion, lowering your chest close to the ground and fully extending your arms at the top.
  5. Inhale as you lower your body, and exhale as you push back up.
fit30 exercise modifications

How do I modify Wide Push-Ups?


  • Perform wide push ups with your hands elevated on a sturdy surface, such as a bench or step, to reduce the load.
  • If full push ups are challenging, perform wide knee push ups by kneeling on the ground.
  • If the wide hand placement is too challenging, bring your hands slightly closer together.
  • Start with a smaller range of motion and gradually increase it as you build strength.
  • Beginners can start with wall push ups to build strength before progressing to the floor.

What are the benefits of Wide Push-Ups?

Chest Strength

Arm Strength

Shoulder Strength

Workouts with Wide Push-Ups

A bodyweight30 workout

One Of A Kind

Complete 15 Rounds In 29:00
  • Push-Ups (00:10)
  • Pulse Ups (00:10)
  • Wide Push-Ups (00:10)
  • Flutter Kicks (00:10)
  • Diamond Push-Ups (00:10)
  • Russian Twists (00:10)
  • Rest (1:00)
Do this workout >
A jump30 workout

It's Lit

Complete 6 Rounds In 27:30
  • Ski Jump (0:40)
  • Rest (0:15)
  • Push-Ups (0:10)
  • High Plank (0:15)
  • Rest (0:15)
  • Freestyle Jump (0:30)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Wide Push-Ups (0:10)
  • High Plank Pulses (0:15)
  • Rest (0:15)
  • Ski Jump (0:40)
  • Rest (1:00)
Do this workout >