
Squats are a strength training exercise that targets the muscles in the legs, glutes, and core. They exercise can be performed with bodyweight only, or using weights like a dumbbell, resistance band, barbell or kettlebell.
fit30 exercise "how-to"

How do I do Squats?

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing forward.
  2. Keep your chest up and your back straight as you lower your body down by bending at the hips and knees.
  3. Lower yourself as far as you can while still maintaining proper form, ideally until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  4. Push through your heels to raise your body back to the starting position, avoid bouncing at the bottom.
  5. Repeat the movement.
fit30 exercise tips

What are some tips for Squats?

  • Experiment with foot positioning to find what feels most comfortable and natural for your body.
  • If balance is a challenge, perform squats near a stable surface like a countertop or use a wall for support.
  • Aim for a full range of motion, but if you have mobility limitations, work within your comfortable range and gradually improve.
fit30 exercise modifications

How do I modify Squats?


  • Use a chair for support by sitting down and standing up; this reduces the depth of the squat and provides additional stability.
  • Hold onto a stable surface or use a TRX strap for support while performing squats.
  • Perform partial squats by descending only halfway; his is beneficial for those with knee concerns or limited mobility.
  • Perform squats while leaning against a wall. This provides additional support and helps maintain proper form.
  • Place a small platform under your heels if ankle flexibility is a limitation.


  • Combine a squat with a calf raise at the top to engage additional muscle groups.
  • Perform with weights.

What are the benefits of Squats?

Core Strength

Functional Movement

Leg Strength

Workouts with Squats

A bodyweight30 workout

Turtley Cool, Dude!

Complete 6 Rounds In 26:00
  • Burpees (00:10)
  • Bodyweight Squats (00:20)
  • Lunge Rotations (00:30)
  • Walk Outs (00:40)
  • Jumping Jacks (00:50)
  • Calf Raises (01:00)
  • Rest (1:00)
Do this workout >
A row30 workout

The Sniper

Complete 3 Rounds In 24:00
  • Row (1:00)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Calf Raises (1:00)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Bodyweight Squats (0:20)
  • Rest (0:20)
  • Row (1:00)
  • Rest (0:30)
  • Walk Outs (1:00)
  • Rest (0:30)
  • Lunge Rotations (0:30)
  • Bodyweight Squat Hold (0:30)
  • Rest (1:00)
Do this workout >